
Welcome friends ~ Hoping you enjoy my journey blogging and my photo's as well -- please return often and let me know how I am doing... Thanks ever so much, Kris

Friday, March 1, 2013

March 2013

Greetings everyone ~

It's obviously been a year or so since I last blogged.  I was so very busy on my trip to Germany, Luxembourg, France and a week in Ireland -- that I didn't get back to my blog last spring.  So Sorry.

I had so much go on last year that I think I will just begin anew.

March 1st, 2013 ~~

Weather is partly cloudy, mid 50's day....a bit of a breeze on a friday afternoon.  The picture above is one of Greg (husband) and myself, in St. Peter's Square at the Vatican - awaiting our public Blessing by the Pope in Italy  (circa ? 2007)  We had a fantastic time in our travels thru' Italy, Cortona and Rome were our favorite places - what an adventure...We met our friends, Jihan Al Awar and Ramy Halabi while in Rome - they were on their Honeymoon...today they have the most adorable little boy, JK :)   This year I have found myself getting Certified as a Paraeducator in Washington State ~ checking into job openings for that.  I am also heading out tomorrow for my Civil Service Exam in hopes of getting on the job listing for City of Des Moines Police Dept. Records Specialist. (A job I once held with the City of Seattle many years back) .  I am seriously job hunting for a full-time w/benefits type job with a liveable income attached in our area ~ we shall see what comes of that search.  I am training to work as a Living History Interpreter at Camlann Medieval Village Living History Project in Carnation, WA.  I will work on weekends in May, June, July and September... possibly as a volunteer character during their Medieval Weekend Festivals in July & August as well.  I am excited to be part of this project - it is set in the time period 1376 in a small English-style Village.  If interested - you can read more about it at www.Camlann.org online. 

We are looking forward to Greg's final return home - hopefully at the start of August. (Depends on what his company decides about when to close his unit in Germany).  It will be so nice to have him back with family for good after a very long 8-9 years.  Our new puppy (9 months now) Molly - is a very sweet, smart and well-behaved Black Lab - she's growing fast and totally part of the family now.  Our cats, Mahina and Max are tolerating her presence, but clearly feel they are in charge :)
We are all looking forward to better weather in the spring and summer, especially to Mariner's Baseball Games, to Camping & Fishing, as well as, a joint Camping trip with the Ebesu Family in Winthrop sometime in August!!! 

I guess I will close for now, I'll be spending the next few weeks making my late 14th Century clothing for Camlann -- quite a project, as it is all hand sewing - I will even attempt to make my own leather shoes.  Wish me luck ~~ 


Wednesday, March 28, 2012

 Sunrise in Arzheim, Germany today  ~   Wednesday March 28, 2012 - houses in distance are typical here ... many house more than one family as well....Neighbor's new addition/patio is coming along nicely....

 Kitchen Window view in Arzheim...

 Neighbor's Weekend Warrior...

One of many Songbirds that rise with the sun in Arzheim...

 Very busy searching for berries on the vines...

 One of very many Pigeons living next door....

 "The gang's all here..."  These pigeons descend from 'Carrier Pigeons' ...

 "Hey, I was cooing at you....."

Private conversations......

It's been a excellent Spring weather in Arzheim....neighbors are building a patio and possibly an extra addition on their house.....lots of people doing yard work, Church bells go off at least 3 times a day and yesterday, military jets (USA) were doing manuevers overhead for about 30 minutes or so, flying pretty low too..... Enjoying my coffee's (thanks Greg :), relaxing, reading, writing, computer time.... watching some US TV shows on HULU and Movies with Greg .... all in all, totally great start to my long vacation....

Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Do you ever wonder...who sat here, where they were going? I do.....I wonder if they are returning home, going on a business trip or on vacation....are they happy, sad, TIRED, excited or what.....the stories these seats could tell...... :)

 I cannot travel without my beloved bad habit.....1/2 Vanilla Latte!!!!!  If they are not available, then in Europe I have a delicious Cappuccino instead ~ lovely part of each day :)  I am spoiled when I visit Greg, as he has an espresso machine, a grinder and fresh coffee beans waiting for me at his place - LOVE IT!! :)

 International Gate S16 at SeaTac Airport :)  Gateway to adventures, explorations, making new friends, spending time with old ones, MY HUSBAND in Arzheim, Germany and VACATION/RELAXATION and NEW PHOTOs too :)

 Mmmmmm......whether stated in English or another language -- hoping always, that my luggage made it to where I am going!!!!!  Not fun to lose or have your luggage delayed -- I mean, I don't want to wear the same clothes every day ;)

Who, in their right mind, dreams up the carpet designs for airports anyway???!!! It's bad enough that we are all usually 'weary' travelers, but REALLY??? this is enough to make anyone a tad 'woozy' if looked at long enough and that's before the possible ingestion of alcohol !!!  :) Just sayin'......

Saturday, March 17, 2012


Each new day is a new beginning-
to learn more about ourselves
to care more about others,
to laugh more than we did,
to accomplish more than we thought we could,
and be more than we were before.
-Author Unknown~

Life Journey 2012 - Starting March 17, 2012

Hello Dear Friends & Family ~

Today I begin my first blog ever :)  I am on a life journey of self-discovery, exploration and new travels.  I plan to blog at least 3 times a week, and when possible, daily as I journey this year.  Please bear with me as I use the "I" quite alot to describe things.....  I have just had a birthday, March 11th and realize I am now numbered '57' - what an odd concept to be that old in years, but not in spirit :) I am blessed to have 'aged' well and healthy enough to still get around pretty easily each day.  Sometimes there's the odd 'creak or tweek' in my bones or muscles, but doesn't last long.  

I am preparing to travel to Europe on Monday for a 2 month journey there.  My husband, Greg, lives in Arzheim, near Landau, Germany and we are both looking forward to spending time together again!! Our plans include: Traveling about Germany more - to see new places, as well as, re-visit ones we've enjoyed already.  We plan to explore in France, hope to make it to The Palace at Versailles and into Paris as well.  My dear friend, Tami is going to visit for about a week and we plan to see Rothenburg, St.Goar, and possibly Heidelberg, Munich & Dachau and who knows what else... Greg and I are also going to Ireland and sight-seeing from a Dublin Hotel on our 8 day visit there.  I will be posting pictures and blogging as the next few months go along.

Sean and Anthony are taking care of the home-base in SeaTac and the two cats, Mahina & Max as well.  I awoke early today, and found it snowing heavily from 8:30am to 12pm....appx an inch...altho' it melted pretty quickly away by 1pm as the temperatures rose above freezing.  It was so pretty to watch it fall, I don't think I'll ever get tired of that .... I didn't see or touch real snow until I was almost 11 years old, and we did that along the highway at Mt Shasta Nat'l Park as my family was moving from Lompoc, California (Santa Barbara County) to West Seattle in 1964.... It was beautiful, cold and impressed me for life :) ...

I'll close the blog for now with a picture of my 'Yard Angel' enjoying the new snow a few days ago.... Happy St.Patrick's Day Everyone!!